I know chemistry, and you’ve got one significant figure.

Oh yeah. Best pickup line I’ve heard in a bit. 

I think I’m on like a blogging rampage. This always happens, and then I have days where I just don’t blog at all and all you see is a farting hippo šŸ˜› šŸ˜‰

Just feeling the… The SMOOTHNESS of this phone.  It feels so sexy.  Like fucking sexy as hell. You have no idea. It’s so smooth.

OH THIS STORY. Okay so. I believe I haven’t blogged about this? Okay so.  My dad, when he bought this plan. Was like, kay. Gotta pay $74 every month,  goddamnit. Then the guy was like. OH. We’re having this draw thing where you can like,  on Sunday, you could potentially WIN ANOTHER S5. And I waved it off,  I mean what are the chances right? Plus people are always trying to pull these sorts of things to get publicity and all that. So,  no chance,  I thought. Anyway,


Just guess. Like the chance.

Freaking.  1 in 12.

Not even shitting you right now.  1 in 12. (well, since Wednesday). So my dad’s banking on the fact that he’ll be the only one there on Sunday.  And if we don’t win, we can come back next week for the next four weeks. And yeah. Hahahahhahaha it would be so funny if we won.

Ahhhhhhhh but my family has this history of insane luck.  Like for the weirdest things.  For example,  my sister entered a draw in Singapore that she didn’t even KNOW she entered,  and she randomly won a free iPad.  Mini. And like, her reaction was just. “Oh.  Cool. ”


And like this is a funny story I remembered,  but my family has this running joke that I’m the favourite of my Dad amongst the three of us because when I was born,  and my dad was driving to the hospital,  there was this traffic jam.  And he was listening to the radio and they had this competition thing.  Now,  my family NEVER bother with these things, but when they asked the question thing, my dad knew the answer. So he was like.

What the hell. Why not? Plus like,  his beautiful, totally epic daughter was being pushed out of my screaming mother at that moment,  about to enter the glorious world and yeah.  And basically he got a free camera from the radio show.  WOT.  LIKE WOT.  SERIOUSLY, ON MY BIRTHDAY WOT. And that may not seem like a big deal,  but in 1997 cameras were expensive.

And til today,  my dad still has the camera somewhere in the storeroom in Malaysia.  (Awwwww cue the feels) Totally not because we’re all lazy fat asses and can’t throw out shit EVER. Totally not because of that.

So that’s why I’m considered the favourite in the family (in addition to my fabulousness and awesomeness in general) because I’m like a “good luck charm”, I suppose.

Oh and dinner just came.  Just loooookkkkkk:




You jelly? Better be. šŸ˜›

Well,  that’s it for this session’s story time. Gonna eat dinnerrrrr yayy. I’ll try to blog more laterrrrrr with my new phone šŸ˜‰ Toodlessss

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