We never really grow up, we just learn how to act in public.

Done with all my SACs!

…except for English, which is next week. *sobs* Why does it never end? But English… eh. Hahaha, I hope I don’t say that and then fail all of a sudden. *gasps* That would not be cool. Though we just finished reading the book today, and OMG the feels at the end. The father dies (whoops spoiler) and it’s just so SAD ASDKJLASDJ. 😦 SAD FACE SAD FACE.

Going for YUMCHA TOMORROW I’M SO EXCITED. I haven’t gone in ages, I’m so. EXCITED. There’s no other adjective to describe it. But then after, I have Spesh “tutor”, so to speak. But you know what, you give some to take some. I take some egg tarts, life gives me spesh tutor. And you know what, whatever. AND I’m going with some of the best people around ;). FIFTEEN ASIANS. Almost. It’s gonna be a hell of a breakfast, I can tell you. I’M SO. EXCITED.

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I organized a threesome last night. There were a couple of no-shows, but I still had fun.

Holaaaaa, korean hotpot.

LOL I have this aunt who doesn’t remember her actual birthday, but celebrates her Chinese one, which is pree cool. I actually didn’t know about that until today, so GG. Hah, yeah.

Finally finishing my English essay, but it isn’t great. I’m sure the English geeks in my class have pulled some kind of Shakespearean voodoo out of their English hats, but I’m just sitting here with my FOB ass, fisherman Chinese hat struggling to weave them magic words into me essay. Oh, the troubles of life. I wish I could like, have my own unicorn slave that could magically conjure up these fantastic essays on command. Oh, that would be nice. My birthday’s coming soon. I DEMAND THIS, PLS.

What? I don’t care if their limited edition. I WANT ONE NAO.

Or, you could just be nice to me and read my blog. Whichever you want. ❤

Yeah, now I don’t even know. I’m addicted to Coldplay’s Clocks right now, bajeesus.

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“It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”

Dumblydoree <3.

I haven’t read Harry Potter in absolutely agessss. I’m ashamed of myself. I should read it again AHH.

I think that quote’s so true though. You should never lose sight of having fun and a good time, despite working towards your goal. Otherwise, what’s the point in life? J.K. Rowling. Genius. OHHH ANDAND, I’ve been meaning to read The Casual Vacancy for a while. but apparently, critics say that she’s better suited to her Harry Potter than writing THOSE kinda books, so I’m passing for now. Trying to finish Anne Frank’s diary! It’s good so far, but I’m only… 8 pages in LEWL. Can’t really make a good assessment on whether it is a good book YET, but basing on the popularity of it, you can’t really go wrong.

OH and I brought my beautiful beautiful copy of Infernooooooooo from Malaysia. Dan Brown. I CAN’T WAIT TO READ IT, but it’s such a massive volume to lug around everywhere, so I’ve been reading Anne Frank instead, because it’s just a PDF on my phone. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

And I’m typing on my computer! Finally got enough adapters for all these chargers that we have :3. So I’m a happy otter. For now. Mehehehehehe I can’t WAIT until my schedule changes are finalised- but mostly until I get to see my lovely lovely friends again 🙂